
Stray Cats Sng 1981 Stray cat strut

{Descargar} Stray cat strut pertenece al primer album homónimo de Stray Cats (1981), y se incluyó como tema principal en su tercer single. En EE.UU. la canción se publicó en su LP Built for Speed (1982), una recopilación de doce canciones pertenecientes a los dos primeros discos editados en Inglaterra.

Stray Cats are an American rockabilly band formed in 1980 by Lee Rocker, Slim Jim Phantom and Brian Setzer in the Long Island town of Massapequa, New York. The group, whose style was based upon the sounds of Sun Records artists and other artists from the 1950s, were heavily influenced by Eddie Cochran, Carl Perkins, Gene Vincent and Bill Haley & His Comets. The Stray Cats quickly developed a large following in the New York music scene playing at CBGB and Max's Kansas City as well as venues on Long Island. When Stray Cats heard a rumor that there was a revival of the 1950s Teddy Boy youth subculture in England, the band moved to the UK. They then spearheaded the nascent rockabilly revival, by blending the 1950s Sun Studio sound with modern punk musical elements. In terms of visual style, the Stray Cats also blended elements of 1950 rockabilly clothes, such as wearing drape jackets, brothel creepers and western shirts with punk clothes, such as tight black zipper trousers and modern versions of 1950s hair styles {Fragmento extraido de Wikipedia}

Stray Cats Sng 1981 Stray cat strut

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© Javier M. Reguera . Asi se fundó Carnaby Street 2007-2018 . Killed by podcast 2019